Happy Clients are Saying . . .

“Patience is a remarkable teacher and practitioner. She guided me through recovery from cancer surgery and in doing so, inspired me to follow in her footsteps. Her knowledge of herbs is incredible, and her skill as a teacher is beyond compare. She brings a deep well of love for what she does that infuses students and clients alike. I would never pass up an opportunity to have her as a teacher on any topic, or stand in line to receive treatment from her gifted hands.”

— Bryn Truett-Chavez, LMT

“My experience with Patience Harvey and the Abdominal Massage was educational and thorough. The meeting was one-on-one and her questions were personal and individualized to my needs. Her instructions were easy to follow and I find it easy to continue the abdominal massage even after my appointment. My cycle followed like clockwork after the massage and I know that if I have questions, Patience can easily answer them.”

— Laury F.

“I just wanted to thank you again for all the time and effort you put into the makings of a wonderful weekend for all, in the Workshop.  It was great to have a teacher that was so personable.  I was very impressed with all your knowledge and expertise as well as the way it was presented.  I loved how you shared some of your own experiences, it made me feel as though you were one of us not just a teacher throwing out information to the students.  The workshop went over and above my expectations. I hope that in the future I will be able to attend another one of your workshops and I have friends and relatives that are interested.”

— Karyn Smith

“I want to thank you so much for such an informative and wonderful workshop.  I came back with so much more than I anticipated.  I was under the impression that I was to learn how to help my clients, when in fact I needed to learn how to help myself first!  Very powerful. I would have never slowed down long enough to figure that out.  I look forward to the next class.  May God find a way to send me on my way to that one.”

— Diana Araiza

“Being in Ocracoke could not have been more fitting a location for such an informative and spiritual retreat/workshop. It was just what I needed to kick off the busy season down here. The island of Ocracoke sets the creative side of my brain and soul on fire, with all of the visual arts, music, pottery and jewlery, and nature as well as artists like us- in the form of bodyworkers.

When I’m having a hard time motivating for work (even getting out of bed from time to time) I just go to Ocracoke in my head and remember the last time I was there with you and my six new friends, and I feel that indescribable presence of Ocracoke.  Then I know that everything is going to be alright.

I give thanks to the Nine Mayan Gods as well as to the Universe for bringing Patience Harvey into my life.  I feel intoxicated with the knowledge and experience that I have received. This will definitely be one of the most influential pieces of continuing education that I wil carry in my heart (and uterus, of course), for the rest of my many lives.”

— Brigitte